Dear Kids,

           There was a huge election for President last night. Barak won and I am sure you know who he is by the time you are reading this.

           Today's business lesson is on change. Change is great for marketers and investing. In investing, all the real big fortunes were made changing the world, through invention, changing regulation, or service innovation.
In marketing, CHANGE shakes things up and gives those ready for it a crack at being the very first to market based on the change.

           In this case, it is major change. Democrats only have a very slim majority of 49 senators and one couldn't vote due to medical problems. Bush is still the President. However now, the democrats will have up to 58 senators, a serious majority in the house and the presidency. That is a huge change and everyone in the world knows it.

           As marketers or investor, when major change comes, you must take pause and figure out where the money is.

           So regardless of feelings now that Obama has won there are all kinds of predictions one could make, but for us what we know is more than half the voters really like Obama and want change and that the minority party is very upset.

           His is very important to know. Our current project is a great example. I happen to know that investors tend to be older, concerned about taxes and fiscally responsible. In other words they are mostly conservatives.

           So knowing that republicans are nervous and angry is very powerful knowledge to us. We can tailor almost any business to take advantage of this. In our example we can easily adjust the ad to play on this.

           We could change the headline to…

How to Stop Socialists From Taking Your Money!


           No that is to divisive and negative.

I could try…

How To Protect Your Investments From Governmental Uncertainty!

           Nah, people don't pay as much to save money as they do to make money.

How To Profit From The Coming Power Shift in Washington!

           Ah that sounds better. Maybe I will use it.

           That is all I have for today kids.

           Love always,



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